Prof. Jiu-lin Du gave an invited talk at the International Workshop on Zebrafish Neural Circuits and Behavior in NIH


  During Nov. 15 - 17, 2017, the International Workshop on Zebrafish Neural Circuits and Behavior, a three-day meeting, was held at the Neuroscience Center Building in Rockville, Maryland. Prof. Jiu-lin Du and Dr. Chun-feng Shang were invited to attend this meeting.

  During the meeting, Prof. Du gave a talk entitled “Dual-regulation of prey capture by pretectal dopaminergic neurons”. Dr. Shang showed his work on “Mapping whole-brain functional connectome through simultaneous imaging and manipulation of neuronal activities of behaving larval zebrafish” in the poster session. They participated the intense discussion about the frontiers in the zebrafish neuroscience throughout the meeting, and showed the advantages of ION studies.

  Around 170 principal investigators, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students from 19 countries attended the meeting held jointly by the NICHD, NIH and the International Zebrafish Society. They presented works, mostly unpublished, in diverse areas including sensory system, motor control, sensorimotor processing, learning and memory, cognition and motivation, neuroanatomy, and imaging methods. The special focus on tool development and the emphasis on unpublished data, facilitated collaborative discussions on the primary questions in the field with greater depth. A major topic in the meeting was to combine and standardize results from different labs through innovations in brain imaging and registration.
