CEBSIT held 2021 Brain Science Summer Camp in Taojiang, Hunan Province


CEBSIT held a scientific summer camp in Taojiang, Hunan Province from July 17 to July 19, 2021. Prof. POO Muming, chaired this event with 30 volunteers from the Center. The Summer Camp is aimed “to lead the middle school students to explore brain science world, and feel the charm of brain science”. This event is also supported by the local government, science and technology association of Taojiang. 244 students from different 37 middle schools took part in the summer camp for the 3-day activities. 

The campers are divided into three groups, with three small classes under each group. This summer camp focuses on electrophysiology, brain function, accidental injury first aid and psychological group experience, and conduct special lectures and interesting science experiments to show students the mysteries of brain science, popularize scientific research knowledge, scientific research methods, and scientific thinking methods. Inspire students' interest in scientific exploration.

During the camp, science popularization volunteers encouraged campers to ask questions, and through imperceptibly establish their enthusiasm for science, curiosity about nature, and integrity in judging scientific and non-scientific affairs; the popular science volunteers surveyed the camp. This summer camp left them with a deep impression on the brain science field.
