2006 ION-QBI Memorandum and Joint Symposium


Prof. Perry F. Bartlett from the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) in Australia and Prof. Ai-Ke Guo from the Institute of Neuroscience signed a memorandum of understanding for research cooperations between the two institutes on October 12, 2006. Mr. Peter Tiedemann, Managing Director of Carl Zeiss Far East Co., Ltd., awarded the first Zeiss Travel Fellowships to Mr. Chun-Lei Wang and Ms Ting-Jia Lu. This fellowship enables recipients to take part in research at QBI for 3 to 6 months.

Following the ceremony, a Joint Symposium entitled “Future directions in neuroscience - the need for collaboration” was held. Drs. Perry F. Bartlett, Pankaj Sah, Geoffrey J. Goodhill from QBI and Drs. Shu-Min Duan, Yu-Qiang Ding and Xiao-Bing Yuan from ION presented their recent research work.
