Vice President Li Jia-Yang Visits ION


Prof. Li Jia-Yang, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in charge of biological sciences, visited ION on July 26, accompanied by Prof. Kang Le (Director of the Bureau of Life Science & Biotechnology at CAS) and Mr. Hua Ren-Chang (Acting Director of CAS Shanghai Branch).

Prof. Li listened to the Directora€?s report presented by Ms. Wang Yan on behalf of Prof. Poo, and visited the laboratories of the Sensory Integration and Behavior, Neural Development, Visual Neurophysiology and Neurobiology of Diseases, as well as the Two-Photon Microscopy Facility. During the roundtable discussion with ION faculty and staff members, Prof. Li and Mr. Hua encouraged ION members to persevere in maintaining the creative spirit and unique values of the institute, characters that will promote future development within the Chinese scientific community.
