Workshop of the Sino-Germany Graduate Program


Workshop for Sino-Germany Graduate Program was held at the Institute of Neuroscience November 29th to 30th, 2007. After opening remarks by Professors Martin Heisenburg and Ai-Ke Guo from the University of Würzburg and ION respectively, Prof. Bertram Gerber from the University of Würzburg gave a talk entitled “Pain-relief learning in fruit flies”, while Drs. Xu Zhang, Shu-Min Duan and Zuo-Ren Wang from ION presented their recent works in talks entitled “Molecular mechanisms for chronic pain”, “Regulated ATP release from lysosomes in astrocytes” and “Behavioral study of the neural circuit awaking fly from general anesthesia”. Also during the workshop, six graduate students from the University of Würzburg and eight graduate students from ION presented progress in their recent research works.

This workshop was sponsored by the State Key Laboratory of Neuroscience.
