Mid-term Review of the 973 Grant “Plasticity in Brain Structure and Function”


Mid-term Review of the 973 Grant “Plasticity in Brain Structure and Function” was held in Shantou during December 23rd to 26th, 2007. All six group leaders within the grant, namely Drs. Yu-Qiang Ding, Zhen-Ge Luo, Shu-Min Duan, Xu Zhang, Ai-Ke Guo and Yi-Zheng Wang presented recent research progress and future plans of their respective teams to the review committee.

Review committee members include:

Ai-Ke Guo (Investigator, ION)
Ying-He Hu (Professor, China East Normal University)
Hong-Ti Jia (Professor, Peking University)
Wei-Zhi Ji (Investigator, Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS)
Qi-Shui Lin (Investigator, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, CAS)
Jian-Hong Luo (Professor, Zhe Jiang University)
Mu-Ming Poo (Investigator, ION)
Bo-Qin Qiang (Investigator, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, CAMS)
Zhen-He Tong (Investigator, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS)
Tao Xu (Investigator, Institute of Biophysics, CAS)
Ping Zheng (Professor, Fudan University)
Jiang-Ning Zhou (Professor, University of Science and Technology of China)

After listening to the presentations and the question & answers session, the review committee gave thoughtful comments and suggestions.

Members of the review committee and ION faculty members also visited Shantou University and Medical College. Prof. Mu-Ming Poo gave a talk and answered questions from student regarding how to conduct scientific research.

Shoutou University Medical School, as the local organizer, gave us much help regarding organization and logistics of the meeting.
