14 ION students awarded the 9th Fudan-Tan Jiazheng-Jiu Yuan Scholarship



On March 23rd, 2008, the 9th Fudan-Tan Jiazheng-Jiu Yuan Scholarship review meeting was held in Hongzhou. The review committee awarded 72 students from 151 applicants the Jiu Yuan scholarship, including 1 top award, 10 first-class awards, 20 second-class awards and 41 third-class awards. 14 ION students received this award.

Top award: Chen-Bing Guan
First-class awards: Wu-Ping Ge, Ke Zhang
Second-class awards: Wan-Hua Shen, Zhi-Jun Zhang, Fei Chen, Jian Zhou, Dong Yan, Xian Zhang
Third-class awards: Jiang-Teng Lv, Ning-Long Xu, Yue-Qing Peng, Qian Chen, Chao Guo

