The 3rd Academic Review of ION PIs, the 4th International Advisory Board Meeting, SIAS Symposium on "Frontier of Neuroscience" and the 9th SIAS Round-Table Discussion was held in Shanghai



During May 23-26, The 3rd Academic Review of ION PIs, the 4th International Advisory Board Meeting, SIAS Symposium on "Frontier of Neuroscience" and the 9th SIAS Round-Table Discussion was held in Shanghai.

On May 23rd, Drs. Tian-Le Xu, Zhen-Ge Luo, Zhi-Qi Xiong and Yu-Qiang Ding attended the 3rd Academic Review of ION PIs. The site visit review committee members include: Profs. Tobias Bonhoeffer (Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology), Sten Grillner (Karolinska Institute), Richard Huganir (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine), Terrence Sejnowski (The Salk Institute for Biological Studies), Morgan Sheng (MIT), Charles Stevens (The Salk Institute for Biological Studies), Susuma Tonegawa (MIT). After listening to the presentation of the PIs and having lunch with their students, the reviewer had a close-door discussion. They will issue a formal report about the review to ION director according to the result of corresponding review and site visit.

On May 24th, the 4th International Advisory Board Meeting was held at ION. Drs. Mu-Ming Poo, Ai-Ke Guo, Xu Zhang, Yi-Zheng Wang, Shu-Min Duan, Zuo-Ren Wang, Xiao-Bing Yuan, Xiang Yu, Hai-Shan Yao, Jiu-Lin Du, You-Sheng Shu and Jia-Wei Zhou presented their progress report to the International Advisory Board. Their presentations were followed by thoughtful comments and discussions from members of the International Advisory Board.

During May 25-26, SIAS, ION and the SKLN co-organized the Symposium on “Frontier of Neuroscience” and the 9th SIAS Round-Table Discussion entitled “Neuroscience: New Frontier and Beyond”. 14 famous neuroscientists from both abroad and domestic gave talks during this symposium.

