The 2008 ION-IGDB Joint Annual Meeting



The 2008 ION-IGDB Joint Annual Meeting between ION and IGDB (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS) was held at the SIBS lecture hall from December 26th to 28th. Following the traditional Director's Report from Prof. Mu-Ming Poo, in which he overviewed ION progress over the past year and discussed important factors in selecting good research projects, faculty members, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students from 22 ION laboratories and 9 IGDB laboratories presented their recent work. Faculty, staff and students exchanged ideas and talked about potential future collaborations during this annual meeting.

The prizes for the top five presentations were awarded to Kai-Yu Wang (Zuo-Ren Wang's Lab, ION), Ai-Hong Song (Mu-Ming Poo's Lab, ION), Xia Ding (Yi-Zheng Wang's Lab, ION), Su-Hong Xu (Jian Zhang's Lab, IGDB) and Wan-Lu Du (Yi-Zheng Wang's Lab, ION).
