2008 Symposium on "Frontier of Cellular Neurobiology"



During January 5-7, the 2008 Symposium on "Frontier of Cellular Neurobiology" was held at Sanya, Hainan Province. It was sponsored by the Institute of Neuroscience, State Key Laboratory of Neuroscience and the Cellular Neurobiology Section of the Chinese Society for Cell Biology.

This symposium focused on the topics of Neural Stem Cell Development and Function, Neuronal Morphogenesis, Neural Network Formation, Neural Injury and Neurodegenerative Diseases. Over 20 domestic scientists, working in both basic and clinical research, attended the meeting and presented their recent findings.

After the presentations, the attendees joined in a plenary discussion and suggested that the Society for Cell Biology holds such a symposium every year or two, in order to develop collaborations between domestic neuroscientists.  
