The symposium on "Scientific Education in Primary and Middle Schools"



The symposium on "Scientific Education in Primary and Middle Schools" was held in Shanghai on January 10, 2009. It was sponsored by the Education and Science Society (ESS), Institute of Neuroscience (ION), Shanghai Institute of Educational Science and Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences.

During this symposium, Prof. Xiao-Ming Shen (Vice Mayor of Shanghai City), Prof. Yu Wei (former Vice President of Ministry of Education), Prof. Mu-Ming Poo (Director of ION, President of ESS) and Dr. Long-Qing Qiao (Vice President of ESS) gave invited talks. Researchers from Shanghai Institute of Educational Science, principals from Shanghai Primary and Middle Schools, representatives of student unions from Shanghai Institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences and students from the Institute of Neuroscience attended this symposium.
