2010 Shanghai Symposium on Frontiers of Neuroscience



The 2010 Shanghai Symposium on Frontiers of Neuroscience was held at the SIBS Lecture Hall on April 18th. Profs. Yuh-Nung Jan (UCSF), Lily Jan (UCSF), Richard Tsien (Stanford University), Gy?rgy Buzsáki (Rutgers University), Linda Buck (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center), Hitoshi Sakano (University of Tokyo), Andreas Lüthi (Friedrich Miescher Institute), Michael Fee (MIT), May-Britt Moser (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) and Nikos Logothetis (Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics) gave exciting talks on topics ranging from molecular to systems neuroscience. More than 350 people from ION and various institutions in Shanghai attended this symposium.
