Review meeting for the Open Access Program of the State Key Laboratory of Neuroscience held at ION



On June 30th, a review meeting for the Open Access Program of the State Key Laboratory of Neuroscience (SKLN) was held at ION. The reviewing committee, as well as researchers participating in collaborative projects through the Open Access Program and their ION host PIs, attended this meeting. The review committee members included Drs. Jian-Hong Luo from Zhejiang University, Ping Zheng from Fudan University, and Ai-Ke Guo, Xu Zhang, Yi-Zheng Wang, Zhen-Ge Luo, Jia-Wei Zhou from SKLN.

Researchers participating in the program presented their recent progress. Their presentations were followed by thoughtful comments and discussions from the reviewing committee members. After the presentations, the reviewers assessed all the programs and had a discussion on the future directions of the Open Access Program.
