973 Program Section Review held in Hangzhou



From October 18th to 21st, ION held Section Review for its 973 Program "Plasticity in Brain Structure and Function" in Hangzhou. The review committee members included Profs. Shu-Min Duan (Zhejiang University), Jian-Ren Gu (Shanghai Jiaotong University), Rong-Qiao He (Institute of Biophysics, CAS), Hong-Ti Jia (Peking University), Wei-Zhi Ji (Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS), Qi-Shui Lin (Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS), Xin-Hua Lin (Institute of Zoology, CAS), Xiao-Jiang Li (Emory University), Jian-Hong Luo (Zhejiang University), Meng-Sheng Qiu (Hangzhou Normal University), Zhen-He Tong (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry) and Hua-Xi Xu (Xiamen University).

Following presentations from Drs. Mu-Ming Poo, Zhen-Ge Luo, Shu-Min Duan, Xu Zhang, Ai-Ke Guo and Zhi-Qi Xiong on behalf of each of the six Sections, the reviewers scored all Sections and provided thoughtful comments.
