The 5th Academic Review of ION PIs and the 6th International Advisory Board Meeting were held in Shanghai


During May 21-23, the 5th Academic Review of ION PIs and the 6th International Advisory Board Meeting were held in Shanghai.

On May 21st and 22nd, Drs. Mu-Ming Poo, Ai-Ke Guo, Xu Zhang, Zhen-Ge Luo, Zhi-Qi Xiong, Xiao-Hui Zhang, Wei Wang, Haidong Lu, Ming-Sha Zhang, Hai-Lan Hu, Jiu-Lin Du and Xiang Yu attended the 5th Academic Review of ION PIs. The site visit review committee members include: Profs. Tobias Bonhoeffer (Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology), Barry Dickson (The Research Institute of Molecular Pathology), Sten Grillner (Karolinska Institutet), Richard Morris (University of Edinburgh), Joshua Sanes (Harvard University), Terrence Sejnowski (The Salk Institute for Biological Studies), Nicholas Spitzer (University of California at San Diego), Charles Stevens (The Salk Institute for Biological Studies), Susuma Tonegawa (MIT). After listening to the presentations of the PIs and having lunch with their graduate students, the reviewers held a close-door discussion. They will send a formal review report to the ION director.

On the afternoon of May 22nd, Drs. Zuo-Ren Wang, Hai-Shan Yao, You-Sheng Shu, Le-Ping Cheng, Zi-Long Qiu, Shi-Qing Cai, Yi-Zheng Wang, Jia-Wei Zhou, Jin Xu, Cheng-Yu Li, Zheng Wang and Yong Gu presented their recent research progress to the International Advisory Board. Their presentations were followed by thoughtful comments and discussions from members of the Board. On the morning of May 23rd, Dr. Mu-Ming Poo gave the directora€?s report to the International Advisory Board.
