The first Council Meeting of the CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science held in Beijing


  On September 22nd, the first Council Meeting of CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science was held in Beijing, hosted by Prof. Rui-Ming Xu, the head of Bureau of Frontier Sciences and Education, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  Prof. Xu introduced Council members of the the 1st term of the CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science. Prof. Ya-Ping Zhang (Vice president, CAS) was appointed as the Council Chair and Prof. Lin Li (Director, SIBS) as Council Vice Chair.

  The council members then approved the Center’s constitutions, organization, HR rules, project agreement, funding regulation and the first term of Center’s Academic Board members.

  Prof. Mu-Ming Poo, the director of this center, reported to the council members on the procedure through which the center was established, and its goals, research areas, scientific projects, recruitment plan, management and organization. After listening to the report, the council members held a discussion and provided thoughtful suggestions.

