The first Academic Board Meeting of the CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science held in Shanghai


  On September 27th, the first meeting of the 1st term of Academic Board of CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science was held at ION. Seven members, including Prof. Shu-Min Duan (Zhejiang University Medical School), Ai-Ke Guo (Institute of Neuroscience, SIBS, CAS), Qi-Shui Lin (Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, SIBS, CAS), Mu-Ming Poo (Institute of Neuroscience, SIBS, CAS), Bo-Qin Qiang (Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, CAMS), Zhao-Hui Ye (Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, CAS) and Ji-Zong Zhao (Beijing Tian Tan Hospital, Capital Medical University), attended this meeting.

  Prof. Mu-Ming Poo, the director of this center, reported to the board members on the the procedure through which the center was established, and on its goals, research areas, scientific projects, recruitment plans, management and organization.

  During the meeting, Prof. Poo also reported on the procedure by which scientists were selected to become members of the center. During the discussion, the board members considered the procedure rational, fair, effective and fully approved the selection results.

