Mid-term Review and Assessment Meeting of CAS Strategic Priority Research Project (Class B) on Mapping of Brain Function


  November 26th to 28th, the mid-term review and assessment meeting of CAS Strategic Priority Research Project (Class B) on Mapping of Brain Function was held at the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences.

  The ten professors were invited to serve as reviewers. Prof. WANG Zhizhen headed the panel of ten experts. Prof. ZHANG Yaping, the Vice-President of CAS, stated that this mid-term review was very important to promoting  the project, and that the research team and resource allocation should be adjusted dynamically according to the demand of the different project phases. ZHANG Feng, the Deputy Director of the Institute of Development, introduced all arrangements and requirements of the mid-term review. Dr GUO Aike, the chief scientist of this project, gave a detailed report on the development and main scientific achievements of the project.

  The five project leaders presented recent progress in the five areas. The expert group fully affirmed the progress of the the project.

  November 27th and 28th, the dynamic assessment meeting was held. The twenty-three researchers responsible for all  sub-projects presented their progress since the project start. Ten principal investigators from various CAS institutes  participated in the selection of potential additional members into the project. The results of the dynamic assessment meeting will be used as a basis for reorganization of the the project.


  Mid-term Review




  Assessment Meeting
